Taking Goal Setting Digital!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How are you able to do goal setting, when you "only have 45 minutes" to teach?  Easy, you use the many awesome features of Google Classroom and Google Drive!  Yes there is some prep work you must do ahead of time, or behind the scenes, but in the long run, the investment is worth it, especially when you see how excited learners become about goal setting!  

Students were given the opportunity to sign up for a conference either before or after school, based on their schedule.  Many conferences had to be changed due to last minute change of meetings.  As I always tell our learners, it's all about flexibility and making the most of our time together!  

Students were given the assignment: Assessing for Learning in Google Classroom.  Posted on this assignment are the following files:

  • 12 Week Conferences (Google doc used for conference sign up)
  • Algebra TEKS Mastery Chart (Google Sheets)
  • Assessing for Learning Goal Setting (Google Doc used for 12 week data points & goals for Algebra, other academic areas, behavior and Higher Education)
  • 9 Week Assessing for Learning Reflection (Google Doc for Reflection)
  • Assessing for Learning Rubric

Every learner has a copy of his/her 12 week data points.  These data points are from their 7th grade STAAR math test, BOY Screener, Unit 1 Assessment, Unit 2 Assessment, Unit 3A Quiz and Unit 3 Assessment.  They will need to analyze their Unit 3A quiz data, with the help of information on Google classroom.

In addition to completing the 12 week data points and goals on a Google doc, students will track their success on his/her Algebra TEKS mastery chart. Learners have already noticed that there are multiple learning opportunities that we will be charting throughout the year.  Yet another example of growth mindset and how important it is that we continuously review previously taught material!  

Because the digital aspect is new to our learning community, we spent 1 class period, learning about Google Drive and creating a shared folder.  I'm already looking forward to hearing and seeing what awesome goals our Falcons strive to meet!  

Stay tuned...

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