Going Back to My Roots

Thursday, July 25, 2019 No comments

As I packed my belongings into cardboard boxes, at the end of May, I was facing the reality of no longer sharing a portable with Coach Lawson and not having immediate access to Mrs. Everitt, in her adjoining portable.  This would be our third move during the 2018-2019 school year, yet this one brought a sense of closure.  Closure because the three of us had become more than just coworkers but more like a family.  Stefanie and I would be moving into a newly renovated building, while Coach was being led to pursue a new career, which would allow him to serve at church. 

We officially closed the doors of Team Stefibeth on Tuesday, May 28, not having any idea about what doors God was about to open for us.  Boxes were taped and keys were turned in on that Tuesday in May and summer 2019 officially began! 

Over the next two weeks, we would talk about our upcoming year, under new leadership and what the latest staff changes would bring.  Little did we know that God was preparing both Stefanie and I for other opportunities.  Mrs. Lyday has officially been offered the principal position at Frazier right before Stefanie and I were off to AVID Summer Institute.  

As we were going up the escalator at AVID Summer Institute in Dallas, Stefanie quickly asked me if I was going to elementary, all because of a text I sent her, asking what she was certified to teach.  All I could think of is how much fun it would be if Team Stefibeth took our love of kids and learning to Frazier!  Much to my surprise, as soon as I responded with, “Yes!  You need to come too!” Stefanie quickly responded with, “I’ve been asked to do math intervention at Kerr!” 

The happiness and excitement I had for Stefanie as we reached the 2nd floor also brought a sense of relief for myself.  When Tricia asked me to join the Frazier family, I immediately thought of Team Stefibeth.  I couldn’t imagine “leaving” Stefanie and the joy we brought to our kids’ lives, as well as our own  However, God brought an immediate peace to my heart, when I saw Stefanie’s eyes light up as the opportunity that was offered to her. 

We spent the next couple of days at AVID, going through the motions of being middle school teachers, containing our excitement about what the 2019-2020 school year would bring, while helping create an AVID mindset at HMS.  Neither of us were sharing our news with others, until both positions were official. 

To say that this was just a chance of luck that we were both offered new positions is far from the truth.  Our two opportunities were a gift from God! I officially moved out of Portable 12 on Thursday, July 25, thanks to the help of a few amazing men.  Each serving as a reminder of who I am and why I was brought to BISD. 

The truck was pulled up to the portables, 13 boxes of “stuff” were loaded and we were headed down the road, to where my 19th year of teaching would begin!