A Celebration of OUR Story

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

It's hard to believe the end of our year is coming to an end!  It's been a year of growing and reflecting as we've been thrown many curveballs.  One of the most exciting chapters of learning during the 2016-2017 school year, was earning our STEM certification.

Beginning in December 2016, we spent countless hours working during PLC, over coffee on a Saturday morning and even some nights after school!  There were times when the end seem so far away but with the help of each other, we all achieve what seemed to be the impossible...our STEM certification.

Sure we spent time watching videos and submitting our digital reflections, but it was the impromptu conversations we had during our school day and over text during the weekend.  The conversations that brought reassurance that we are all a team working towards one common goal....student success!  You could often find us talking with each other about certain indicators that we struggled with or indicators that brought success.  Celebrations occurred as we each received the infamous "firework" email stating we had completed our certification process! 
I couldn't be more proud of our teachers.  Over the past six months, a change in mindset began to unfold in the hallways of NRMS.  A change from teacher-led instruction to student-centered classrooms. A change from pencil and paper tasks to inquiry-based activities.  Teachers began to step out of their comfort zones and try new ideas that we learned about during the certification process.  We began to lean on each other in ways we never thought possible.  

As a department, we have common goals for our upcoming year.  Those of having the same group roles for our learners to truly implementing interactive notebooks, where learners are reflecting on their learning.  

Yesterday, all of the 6th & 7th Falcons and NRMS staff members, came together to celebrate becoming the first nationally STEM certified middle school.  Hearing words from our district leadership team, as well as Dr. Judy Zimney, from National Institute of STEM Education, were truly inspiring.  We have so many supporting our STEM journey!  
As Dr. Clarence Simmons spoke to our Falcons, he left them with the question of, "What will your legacy be?"  It is so imperative that we all think towards the future and what impact we have on each others' success.  As we move into our new building, our 7th graders will be the first to graduate from NRMS.  They will set the tone for our year together.  I'm excited to be apart of their legacy and hope to help them achieve their goals!  

Dr. Zimny followed Dr. Simmons by encouraging our school community to think like scientists during the summer and beyond.  In order to think like a scientist, we must be a learner.  Look at all situations as learning opportunities, rather than obstacles.  They more we know, the more we can do!  She encouraged us to be strong and have an I can mindset; to be the best we can be.  Dr. Zimny's final point was to be resilient.  We must not allow failures to define us.  By following these three guidelines, nothing will hold us back!  

Our day of celebration continued that evening with a dinner hosted by curriculum and instruction.  Our science department chair, Karen Sanchez, and myself were asked to share about STEM experiences, which was an incredible honor.  I love sharing about how proud I am of our department and their desire to be the best for our learners!  
Hearing the excitement during these last days of May, from both each other and our leadership team, make this next chapter in our learning journey that much more exciting!  We are preparing our learners to be 21st century learners, which alleviates the chaos of packing and moving into our new building more bearable.  

Stay tuned as we turn the page in the story of NRMS...

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